Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Best Buy Trip!

On this Wednesday afternoon, Ashley came to ARN!
We had sack lunches at Emily's desk while chatting about everything under the sun!

Our phones were ready for an upgrade, and we needed to go together to accomplish the task!
We headed to Best Buy for their latest deal!

We walked in knowing what phones we wanted and that it would be $100/each to upgrade.
Even knowing all that, the process was long and arduous!
Luckily, mom gave us a call while we were still the in the store and we found out our phones were switched!

After almost two hours, we left with our brand new, gold Samsung Galaxy S7 phones!
We love our new phones and most of all-calling each other!

Great twin day!  Checking it off the list!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Dancing, We're Dancin' in the Streets!

We had a great time at the Zionsville Street Dance!
On a Saturday night, we were ready to kick up our heels in Zionsville!

We volunteered for the first shift of the Street Dance.
They asked us to cashier the bar, so we were set up on the bricks with a cash box and a calculator!

The sun was setting as the customers started rolling in!
They didn't stop coming through the line the entire time!

We were one of the two stations serving beer and wine.
It was such a beautiful evening in the historic streets of Zionsville!

The streets were packed with people!
Polka Boy was playing, food vendors were serving, and fun was had by all!

We stepped into Hopwood to get some reprieve from the crowd.
Ron was on hand to greet us and we found a nice high top table in the back.

Twins that wins enjoying the relaxing atmosphere!

Hopwood has really stepped it up with their menus, bottle labels and glassware!

We had a couple glasses of Bekkar and were gladdened to hear we could take some out to the dance!
It was much cheaper than buying wine at the street dance, and also much tastier!

Ron was gracious enough to snap a photo with us on our way out!

We were quite peckish and stopped in to Greek's for some dinner.
Of course they were super busy and the service and bathroom lines were extended! 

Groups of teens and families filled Greek's!
Ashley ordered a calzone and Emily had a salad!  Great food!

Once we paid our bill, we were both ready to head home!
It was a long night, but we had a great time at our first street dance!

It was nice to do some volunteer work and meet some different people in the community!
Great twin night!