Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hoosier Village Brick Dedication Ceremony

Today we were honored to attend the Hoosier Village Dedication Ceremony for New Bricks in the Veterans Garden.

We arrived to the chapel early to set up the artwork from the ARN Memorial Day Art Contest.
Chaplain Ron May had agreed to have it displayed as an extra attraction.

We sat up front and reviewed the program to see the order of service.

Gran decided to change into her patriotic colors for the event.

There were 15 bricks for this ceremony.

As grandpa Earl's name was read, a photo of his stone was on the screen.

The head of the BHI Foundation and two veteran volunteers handed out the awards as Ron read the names.

Gran received a medal and a flag as part of the ceremony.

Air Force veteran McDonald shook her had after placing the medal around her neck.

She received another handshake and flag before the crowd gave a round of applause.
Her eyes were full of tears as she remembered the great love of her life.

The man she always looked at with pure love and admiration is no longer by her side, but always in her heart.

Grandpa finished his military service before he met gran, serving in the US Army Air Corps.
She had a hard time remembering the years he served or the branch of service, but it all happened before she knew him.

The medals given at the ceremony were different dependent upon if they were awarded to the veteran or spouse and according to the branch of service.
Gran's "Proud Wife of an Air Force Veteran" was worn to dinner with her friends.

After the touching program, Emily introduced the Memorial Day Art Gallery and invited attendees to view the art.

A patriotic flower display complete with US flags brightened up the table containing the medals.

Outside, the May sky was bright blue and the flags waved in the refreshing breeze.

We stopped at the veterans garden to find grandpa's newly dedicated stone.

It was nestled reverently amongst other American heroes.

We were so proud to sit outside on a day grandpa would have loved and recount memories of him.
We sang the song we always used to sing to him and embraced the sounds of the billowing flags, the smell of the grass and the warmth of the spring sun.

Then we took our separate routes and were on with our Thursday.
It was such a beautiful day to think of grandpa.  To remember his personality, his quirks and his love.

He may not have been with us for a long time, but he will be remembered always.
Great time with gran, gramps and twins.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Water Lantern Festival

 On this sunny Saturday, we had a great evening on the Canal!
We attended the Watern Lantern Festival in Military Park.

Victor and Lenora were really excited to be "downtown".

Of course, Aunt Ashley and Uncle Ross had to make it even more fun with bubbles, catch and glow bracelets!

Ashley and Ross got there early and set up a nice area of chairs and blanket.
Lenora loved relaxing in the big chairs!

We had a good view of the canal and also a good amount of running around space!
Victor was hard at work writing his stories on his lantern!

Lenora operated the candles and tried to blow them out!

The warm evening was perfect for being outside.
Bubbles and bubble mixture were everywhere! LOL

Victor wanted to tell Aunt Ashley all about his design.
Ross checked out the food trucks and other festival areas.
The live music was one of the best parts!

Victor's lantern looked like a stained glass window when it was all aglow.

Emily opted for a simplistic, meaningful design with the messages of love.

Ashley embraced the full flower moon, writing a powerful spell on her lantern.

Victor was very proud of his work and therefore a little sad to see it float away.

Aunt Ashley helped Victor send his lantern off into the middle of the Canal. 

Ashley knelt by the side of the canal to send out the lanterns.

As the sun set and the flower moon rose, the glittering lanterns shone over the black water.
Each magical lantern of hope, love, remembrance, encouragement and imagination flickered as it gently sailed the rippling surface.

Attendees were all there for different reasons, but shared a theme of hope and peace.
It was a great time of reflection.

Perfect twin night!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Farewell to Max Nelson

This solemn Friday, we came together to remember Max.
His funeral at ARN was a beautiful tribute to a man unlike any other.

The day Max died, Emily put white roses in his office so it was not as empty.  
Ashley brought a stone from home and an impromptu memorial began to take shape.
It started to serve as a place for employees and close friends to have a moment of silence and remembrance.
Each stone was placed by someone who came in to pay tribute and spend one last time with their friend and colleague.

Coby's beautiful "splash of color" arrangements warmly welcomed visitors to the funeral and shiva.
Max would have been proud to see so many people inside the house he built.

The funeral was a fitting tribute; albeit one we did not want to have.
Max's rendition of "My Way" from his 75th birthday was played on large screens- making him the star of his own funeral.
Then a host of rabbis and cantors representing almost every local synagogue took part in the service.
Their honest and moving words and music showed not only their remembrances but their love and admiration.

The ARN staff respectfully lined the path their friend took to the hearse.
Then they formed a protective half circle, said good-byes and i-love-yous, and closed the hearse door together.

It was the most difficult day ARN has ever faced.  As an honorary employee, Ashley was there to help as needed.
We cried together, we remembered together, and we held onto one another to  make it through.
Twin strength will carry us on.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

May Day 2019

Happy May Day!
By a happy accident, we were already scheduled to have a twin night on May day.
We decided to celebrate this May day with Beltane traditions.

We ate honey cherry cakes and had some red wine before lighting our Beltane fires in the ARN chapel!
Our lavender peach candles were heightened with dragon blood incense.

The traditional Beltane colors of red and white were brought into our celebration through flowers.

As Ashley has had a string of bad luck and Emily has had illness in her house, we decided to use the smoke to cleanse us as we enter spring.

We lit our candles and wrote an incantation to recite as we walked through the purifying smoke.

"With lavender smoke the Beltane fires we stoke.
We walk through the smoke of this Beltane fire and ask this- our true desire.
Walking on the eve of this May day may he things that weigh us down fall away.
Cleanse us of all winter's ills and strengthen us in our celtic spells.
I am her and she is me. So mote it be."

We walked through the smoke and recited our incantation three times.

Then we moved on to our next task.  
We wanted to charge some lavender spray as a way to bring these blessings into the coming weeks of spring.

We meditated, holding hands and envisioning spring: its renewal, growth, and promise of sunshine.
Then we placed our spray in our hands and drew light through it while reciting our incantation three times.

"Charge this spray on Beltane day.
Imbue it with spring's cleansing powers and accept our offering of these flowers.
I am her and she is me. So mote it be."

 After our sprays were charged with good energy, we gave ourselves a spritz and headed to our next part of the night.

We arrived at Studio Move Grill to see The Sorcerer's Stone!
We always try to see our favorite HP movie whenever it shows on the big screen!

We ordered pretzel bites with queso, a burger and mac&cheese, chocolate beignets and wine.
The chocolate beignets were unforgettable-especially as they arrived just as we were asked, "Anything from the TROLLEY!"

Our entrees arrived just as Dumbledore announced, "Let the feast begin!"

There are few experiences we like better than seeing this film on the big screen with a nice glass of red.

We wore our witch hats and ravenclaw/hufflepuff regalia.
Of course there were a few looks - most of them seemed envious.

The theatre was nearly empty which made the evening even more special.
Spring has sprung!  Many fun twin nights to come!