Saturday, June 10, 2017

Frazee Gardens Peaches and Swimming!

Ashley spotted a delicious Instagram post which led us to Frazee Gardens in Brownsburg!
This great garden shop has all sorts of fun things for your yard and your home!

On this special day, they were selling peaches by the crate!
We picked up a huge box of peaches, and Victor thought it would be fun to take a bite!

Just like mom, he couldn't even wait to get home and wash them!
Then we headed to the pool for a mid-day dip!

We snacked on Subway before trying out the community swim spot!

Victor and Aunt Ashley had their share of secrets told beneath a gorgeous sun hat!

Victor wasn't too keen on wearing his life vest, but he loved holding Aunt Ashley's hand!

The steps were just the right spot to splash and play!

Victor made waves on step #1!

Aunt Ashley coaxed him out to deeper waters for a float!
He was loving it!

Victor was so excited to splash and blow bubbles!

In the safety of Aunt Ashley's arms, all this sun and water was so much fun!

Learning to float is an exercise in trust!

Victor was getting really confident with his toys and first step!

We had some laughs and sunglasses fun before calling it a day!
We headed back to Avon for naps and chats!

What a great summer twin day!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Holliday Park Fun!

On this beautiful twin night, we headed to Holliday Park!
This is a one-of-a-kind park right here in Indy!

We had always wanted to check out this amazing local place, but never made the time.

Ashley researched a concert series happening at the park, and we made sure to show up early!
The park was filled with lawn chairs, picnic blankets, people of all ages and plenty of dogs.

Victor really loved our shady spot!
Aunt Ashley loved giving Victor smooches!

We listened to the cover songs presented by Matt Roush.  He was really good!
They had food carts set up behind the ruins, but we brought our own picnic.
We snacked on Green Goddess Cobb salads from Panera as the soothing melodies surrounded us in the summer air.

Victor enjoyed a grilled cheese and ran around our site in a frolicking way only toddlers seem to have.

The parking lot filled up fast!  It was a good thing we got there early.
There was still plenty of room for seating, running and playing, but parking was limited.

Overall, this was a great night to kick back and relax!
This is a great venue and the fact that you can bring your own picnic makes it a perfect place for a summer sip and snuggles!
Great twin night!!