Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Failure to Zig Zag

On a mild summer Sunday, we picked up gran for a theatre outing!
We headed to The Cat in Carmel to experience a show and venue totally new to all of us!

The Failure to Zig Zag was performing a sold out run and featured one of our favorite veterans - Ron May!
We were so grateful to get tickets to this incredible show and to see Chaplain May in action.

The Failure to Zig Zag told the story of the U.S.S. Indianapolis and its crew - focusing on the court marshal of its captain.
It was a riveting tale - full of heartbreak, loss and the strength of the human spirit.

Ron May was wonderfully lovable even as he played a character we might otherwise have hated.
The depth of the performance allowed us to understand him as a complex Navy man.

Gran made her way easily in and out of the theatre as it is all on one level.
Perfect for this type of crowd!

The emotional story was delivered in two hours with an intermission stretching it out just a bit more.
Gran looked lovely and it was no trouble for her to pop over to Carmel for the show.

It was wonderful to be able to scoop her up and take her to a new place.
Her spirit for adventure never ceases to amaze!
Great twin time!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Half Blood Prince at Newfields

On this warm Thursday evening, we all met up for another viewing in the Newfields HP series.
We decided to take the guys to our Indianapolis version of  The Leaky Cauldron: Napolese.

We shared a caprese salad and bruschetta to start.
Then the Marshalls ordered a Party Time pizza : Tomatoes, Roasted Peppers, Olives, Feta, Basil
And the Schwindlers orderd a Fly Famous Mockingbird (Sticky Icky) : Smoked Chicken, Tomatoes, Roasted Peppers, Provolone

We shared the pizza too and had a few drinks in the wine bar.
It was a very beautiful setting to prepare for the film.

We made the quick trip over to Newfields and rushed in just in time for the movie to begin.
Ashley was able to check out the potions booth they had provided as extra entertainment.

The last film with Dumbledore still has a wisp of beautiful magic mixed with the darkness of what is to come.

As literature and potions have always been of interest - this film is no different.
The idea that a practiced potioneer could build your skills just through marginalia is both alluring and dangerous.

The atrium was filled with a magical display of colorful opening shutters.
The moving display added a light sense of wonderment to the week's series.
Wonderful choice!

Enchanting twin - date night!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sorcerer's Stone at Newfields

We had a double date at Newfields to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!
We had been looking forward to this outdoor screening since the list of summer nights films was posted!

In fact, Newfields is playing all the movies during a wonderful Potter week!
We decided to pack a picnic, get a prime spot, and enjoy summer together with our guys!

Ashley made some delicious pumpkin juice and supplied Maurauder Map cups!

She even transported it in pumpkin juice containers we picked up at the Wizarding World!
We also had witches' finger grapes and pumpkin/pork/pretzel bun sandwiches.
Ashley brought along her trivia so we could challenge each other to a game!

The picnic was perfect, the hot sun dipped out of sight at about 8 PM and we enjoyed our seats much more then!
Emily made house pumpkin cookies!

Newfields hosted their own trivia and we enjoyed trying to answer those questions as we ate.
The movie was sold out, but we had an excellent spot thanks to the Marshalls (by a happy accident) arriving early!

There was also a 9 3/4 backdrop and children's activities as provided entertainment.
The guys had beers and the gals had pumpkin juice and red wine.

It was fun to wear our witch hats and house colors.
We saw other kids wearing HP shirts and one in a robe, but adults mostly had t shirts or house colors.

The movie started at 9:30 PM this year, after sunset.
It was a waxing moon - almost full - and the air was full of cricket sounds and whispering trees.

The magic of this film was only enhanced by being outside, with candlelight and starry sky.

With a busy week and the excitement of the day, it was a bit hard to stay awake for the whole movie!
We had popcorn packs and comfortable chairs which nestled us into a place of comfort - watching a classic.

It was the witching hour when we said our goodbyes.
We called our ubers and headed for home.

It was wonderful to share this magical date night together!
Great twin night - enjoying all things Potter!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Gran's 91st Birthday!!!

On this sunny, warm July 10th, we celebrated Gran's 91st birthday at Traders Point Creamery!

We had her birthday lunch here last year, so we decided to make it a tradition.
We ordered some celebratory Prosecco and had a toast to her health.

Gran indulged us with the drinks, eagerly opened her card, and talked endlessly about her plans later with friends.

Ashley had selected the most perfect gift card and gift for gran.
We told her it was something she needs but that she didn't even know she needs!

She carefully unwrapped the gorgeous present after we had placed our order.

Emily helped her open the box and read some of the explanatory materials.
She was so surprised!  She said she usually tries to keep 21st century items out of her home, but she would welcome this!

Soon the frittatas and BLT arrived.  Bright, cheerful presentation and incredible freshness!

Gran was loving her BLT and gobbled up all the fresh berries.

After lunch, we had them bring out the strawberry shortcake!
Gran chose vanilla as her free scoop.

The candles flickered her age to all!
She had a little trouble getting them out proclaiming, "I used up all my blowing power!"

She made sure to turn 91 on its head figuratively and literally!

She's 91 and still having fun!
We told them we would be back next year.

We talked about memories, birthdays and how the years rush by.
We remembered the year and how wonderful it is to be close together for birthdays, holidays and every days.

Nothing could beat watching her proudly blow out those candles and remark at how she cannot believe she made it this far.
We said we would keep her for 91 more and hope she outlives us all.

While we know we cannot keep her forever, we will keep her today.
91 with the spirit of 19

Lovely twin time.