Friday, June 8, 2012

IMA Summer Nights

We took a po'boy and fresh caprese picnic to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to see the Alfred Hitchcock classic "Rear Window" on the outdoor big screen! The 1954 film is considered by many filmgoers, critics, and scholars to be one of Hitchcock's best!
Jeff: I've seen it through that window. I've seen bickering and family quarrels and mysterious trips at night, knives and saws and ropes, and now since last evening, not a sign of the wife. All right, now you tell me where she is...
Lisa: Maybe he's leaving his wife, I don't know, I don't care. Lots of people have knives and saws and ropes around their houses and lots of men don't speak to their wives all day. Lots of wives nag and men hate them and trouble starts. But very very few of them end up in murder if that's what you're thinking.
The weather went from warm to chilly and the mosquitoes were friendly, but we had an amazing night full of fun and suspense!

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