Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas at Natalie's 2014!

This year we celebrated a little after Christmas, on December 28th!
Natalie had her house decorated beautifully (as usual) with an enormous tree!
The table was set with all her Christmas Tree Spode, and the live tree gave off a smell of tradition and home.

This was baby Jack's first Christmas!  He really loved opening presents!
His tiny fists were ripping at the paper as mom helped!

This child is so happy!  He smiled the entire day!
The feast was perfect and the presents were opened.  Dad stopped by to bring gifts and chat as well.
Mom called before dinner and we all got to talk to her.
Natalie had of course baked 20 different types of cookies!  No one was going home hungry!

We also took the time to celebrate Greg's birthday with a cake handmade by Natalie!  So sweet!
After a long day of family fun, it was time to go home!
What a great day watching Jack enjoy his first Christmas traditions!
Great twin night!

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