Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Breakfast at Tiffany's

For a new twin night, we decided to go old school glam!
It was such a stormy day, but that couldn't dampen our good time!

We had shrimp quesadillas at El Meson to start the evening.
The cheery surroundings made us almost forget the hailing weather outside.
We talked of baby Schwindler and getting into the IUPUI Master's program over chips and salsa.

Then it was off to the Studio Movie Grill.
This revamped theatre is really swanky!
The comfy leather seats and call button make service at your seat an added bonus!
Plus they service all types of food and wine!

The seats inside the theaters are comfortable, are accommodating, and are equipped with a personal tray table and a red call button.

We settled in for "Girls Night" and quickly were mesmerized by Audrey Hepburn's charm!
Breakfast at Tiffany's was just the type of movie all girls should see!
And with a price tag of $3/ticket, it was a really cheap date!
Not much changes when it comes to finding yourself and learning to live in a crazy world!

We had a great time and would definitely go back to Studio Movie Grill!
Great twin night!

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