Sunday, July 24, 2016

Grandma is 88 Years Old!

Grandma is 88!
Since mom was in town, we decided to all go and visit grandma to celebrate her birthday!

We met at Natalie's in the morning for a family breakfast!

Of course there was some play time to get the boys' energy out before the long drive!

Jack and Victor love to play together!

Victor was loving all of Jack's toys!

Emily supervised the play session!

Jack likes to teach Victor everything he knows!

Jack was loving all the attention!

After all that playing, it was time to load the boys in their carseats and head out!

Grandma was so happy to see all of us!
Of course had had to snap some family shots!

Jack loves to give Victor kisses!

Grandma and her great-grandchildren!

Grandma was all smiles with her two little guys!

She even stole a smooch or two!

We had a really nice visit!
After picking up Panera on the way there, we had lunch and some lemon bars with grandma.

She loved every second as we played with the boys and she opened gifts.
It was great to see her for her birthday and she was happy to see how much the boys had grown!

Great twin day!

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