Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sorcerer's Stone at Newfields

We had a double date at Newfields to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!
We had been looking forward to this outdoor screening since the list of summer nights films was posted!

In fact, Newfields is playing all the movies during a wonderful Potter week!
We decided to pack a picnic, get a prime spot, and enjoy summer together with our guys!

Ashley made some delicious pumpkin juice and supplied Maurauder Map cups!

She even transported it in pumpkin juice containers we picked up at the Wizarding World!
We also had witches' finger grapes and pumpkin/pork/pretzel bun sandwiches.
Ashley brought along her trivia so we could challenge each other to a game!

The picnic was perfect, the hot sun dipped out of sight at about 8 PM and we enjoyed our seats much more then!
Emily made house pumpkin cookies!

Newfields hosted their own trivia and we enjoyed trying to answer those questions as we ate.
The movie was sold out, but we had an excellent spot thanks to the Marshalls (by a happy accident) arriving early!

There was also a 9 3/4 backdrop and children's activities as provided entertainment.
The guys had beers and the gals had pumpkin juice and red wine.

It was fun to wear our witch hats and house colors.
We saw other kids wearing HP shirts and one in a robe, but adults mostly had t shirts or house colors.

The movie started at 9:30 PM this year, after sunset.
It was a waxing moon - almost full - and the air was full of cricket sounds and whispering trees.

The magic of this film was only enhanced by being outside, with candlelight and starry sky.

With a busy week and the excitement of the day, it was a bit hard to stay awake for the whole movie!
We had popcorn packs and comfortable chairs which nestled us into a place of comfort - watching a classic.

It was the witching hour when we said our goodbyes.
We called our ubers and headed for home.

It was wonderful to share this magical date night together!
Great twin night - enjoying all things Potter!

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