Friday, May 19, 2017

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at ISO!

On this Potterific evening, we headed downtown to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra!
We first had dinner at our favorite Leaky Cauldron spot, Napolese!

After some delicious salads and olives (plus one glass of wine and some gelato), we were ready for the show!
We took a short walk past Knockturn Alley and around King's Cross Circle to our destination.

The venue did not have as much decor as they did for the first movie.
This was a bit of a disappointment as a lot of the excitement at the first installment stemmed from the buzz of the wizarding world created in the lobby.

They did have a swag table and popcorn, but other than that, they could have been screening anything.
Nevertheless, the movie, music and the magic we always carry made it a special evening! 

True to our witchy roots, we wore our perfectly coordinated dresses and robes!
Many other attendees were similarly festooned.

From our back row seats, we had a view of everything in the theatre!
These cheap seats were not that cheap and we agreed that we would pay a few dollars more for a better position on the next installment.

In fact, we purchased our tickets right then and there!
The movie was amazing and the music was absolutely transcendent!

We truly held on to our seats as the car hit the Whomping Willow, scrambled for cover from spiders in the dark forest, and hoisted the Gryffindor sword at the blind basilisk!

It was a great time for three witches out on the town!

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