Friday, May 10, 2019

Farewell to Max Nelson

This solemn Friday, we came together to remember Max.
His funeral at ARN was a beautiful tribute to a man unlike any other.

The day Max died, Emily put white roses in his office so it was not as empty.  
Ashley brought a stone from home and an impromptu memorial began to take shape.
It started to serve as a place for employees and close friends to have a moment of silence and remembrance.
Each stone was placed by someone who came in to pay tribute and spend one last time with their friend and colleague.

Coby's beautiful "splash of color" arrangements warmly welcomed visitors to the funeral and shiva.
Max would have been proud to see so many people inside the house he built.

The funeral was a fitting tribute; albeit one we did not want to have.
Max's rendition of "My Way" from his 75th birthday was played on large screens- making him the star of his own funeral.
Then a host of rabbis and cantors representing almost every local synagogue took part in the service.
Their honest and moving words and music showed not only their remembrances but their love and admiration.

The ARN staff respectfully lined the path their friend took to the hearse.
Then they formed a protective half circle, said good-byes and i-love-yous, and closed the hearse door together.

It was the most difficult day ARN has ever faced.  As an honorary employee, Ashley was there to help as needed.
We cried together, we remembered together, and we held onto one another to  make it through.
Twin strength will carry us on.

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