Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hoosier Village Brick Dedication Ceremony

Today we were honored to attend the Hoosier Village Dedication Ceremony for New Bricks in the Veterans Garden.

We arrived to the chapel early to set up the artwork from the ARN Memorial Day Art Contest.
Chaplain Ron May had agreed to have it displayed as an extra attraction.

We sat up front and reviewed the program to see the order of service.

Gran decided to change into her patriotic colors for the event.

There were 15 bricks for this ceremony.

As grandpa Earl's name was read, a photo of his stone was on the screen.

The head of the BHI Foundation and two veteran volunteers handed out the awards as Ron read the names.

Gran received a medal and a flag as part of the ceremony.

Air Force veteran McDonald shook her had after placing the medal around her neck.

She received another handshake and flag before the crowd gave a round of applause.
Her eyes were full of tears as she remembered the great love of her life.

The man she always looked at with pure love and admiration is no longer by her side, but always in her heart.

Grandpa finished his military service before he met gran, serving in the US Army Air Corps.
She had a hard time remembering the years he served or the branch of service, but it all happened before she knew him.

The medals given at the ceremony were different dependent upon if they were awarded to the veteran or spouse and according to the branch of service.
Gran's "Proud Wife of an Air Force Veteran" was worn to dinner with her friends.

After the touching program, Emily introduced the Memorial Day Art Gallery and invited attendees to view the art.

A patriotic flower display complete with US flags brightened up the table containing the medals.

Outside, the May sky was bright blue and the flags waved in the refreshing breeze.

We stopped at the veterans garden to find grandpa's newly dedicated stone.

It was nestled reverently amongst other American heroes.

We were so proud to sit outside on a day grandpa would have loved and recount memories of him.
We sang the song we always used to sing to him and embraced the sounds of the billowing flags, the smell of the grass and the warmth of the spring sun.

Then we took our separate routes and were on with our Thursday.
It was such a beautiful day to think of grandpa.  To remember his personality, his quirks and his love.

He may not have been with us for a long time, but he will be remembered always.
Great time with gran, gramps and twins.

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