Friday, July 22, 2016

Shakespeare on the Canal 2016 with MOM!

Our annual trip to Shakespeare on the Canal was even better this year because mom came with us!

We showed up early and got a great spot for our chairs!

White River Park is so scenic in every direction!

The sun was intense, but we had a great time talking and picnicking before the show!

Emily froze grapes to keep the wine cool and made a special straw for Ashley!
We picked up a program for Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale!

In the program was a survey which entered us to win prizes and guess what.....WE WON!
To be more won!  She got the best prize they had: tickets to Butler Theatre!

We had a wonderful picnic by Goose the Market!
After dinner, mom eyed Der Pretzel Wagon for a salty snack!

The stage was set and the crowd kept growing as the sun went down!

The show began and King Leontes and Queen Hermione of Sicilia were hosting their friend, King Polixenes.

Prince Mamillius loses it as his mother is taken to jail over the King's suspicion of infidelity.

King Polixenes flees to his home, Bohemia, to escape Leontes' death plot.
His fleeing only seals Hermione's fate as it is all the proof Leontes needs of their affair.

Distraught, Mamillius dies.  
Hermione's child is taken away and left for dead.  
The messenger dies in the quest, unable to tell anyone where he left the child.
Hermione dies from grief and despair.

Two Bohemian farmers find the girl and take her into their care along with items she has with her.
They name her Perdita.

Autolycas, taleteller and storyteller provided a lightheartedness to the tragic tale.

The crowd was transfixed on the accessible yet utterly Shakespearean play.

The farmers raising Perdita cross paths with Autolycas while preparing a feast.

Meanwhile Perdita and Florizel (King Polixenes' son) have fallen in love!

King Polixenes searches out his son and finds him at the feast, professing his love for Perdita.
He is angry that his son has not chosen a woman of high birth and forbids the relationship.

The two are so in love, they decide to elope and run away.  They end up in Sicilia.
They happen upon King Leontes and only fool him about their errand for a short time.

Soon it is found that Perdita is his daughter.  
He embraces her and regrets all the wrong doings of his past.

The two kings, once friends, now will be fathers-in-law as the two are free to marry.
In a final twist, Hermione is found to still be alive after all these years.

It was a wonderful story, told in a modern way with some of our favorite local actors!
Mom loved it, we loved it, everyone in Indianapolis loved it!

What a perfect evening of Shakespeare, wine and the outdoors!
Incredible twin night!

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